self-published authors

How Does Collaborative Book Promotion Work for Self-Publishers?
Author Assistant Updated 4 months ago

How Does Collaborative Book Promotion Work for Self-Publishers?

Leverage the power of collaboration for book promotions. Learn effective strategies on how to harness collective energy for increased visibility and enhanced bo…

Demystifying NFT Books: A Comprehensive Guide for Self-Published Authors
Author Assistant Updated 4 months ago

Demystifying NFT Books: A Comprehensive Guide for Self-Published Authors

Explore the fascinating world of NFT books and learn how self-published authors can leverage blockchain technology to tokenize and monetize their literary works.

Email Marketing Mastery: Skyrocketing Open Rates
Author Assistant Updated 7 months ago

Email Marketing Mastery: Skyrocketing Open Rates

Embark on the journey to mastery in email marketing, specifically targeted at boosting open rates, for self-published authors. Unearth effective strategies and …

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