MPL-Publisher - v2.14.2 Released

MPL-Publisher creates an ebook, print-ready PDF book, EPUB for KDP, or Audiobook MP3 directly from your WordPress posts.

MPL-Publisher 📚 creates an ebook, print-ready PDF book, EPUB for KDP, or Audiobook MP3 directly from your WordPress posts.


New in version 2.14.2 - Released on May 15, 2024

  • Only resize images to 640px if "embed" option is selected
  • Fix "Invalid parameters passed." on Word documents
  • Use full-size images instead of resized WordPress images
  • Fix Tested up to version with a valid one
  • Fix Twemoji library loading from MaxCDN

New in Version 2.14.0 - Released on March 27, 2024

  • Add "Root URL" setting to allow different installations between your site and your book
  • Fix validation error "Cannot add Table in TextRun" when including the post date and post author
  • Tested up to 6.6

New in Version 2.13.0 - Released on March 7, 2024

  • Add a "voice name" field to change the default audiobook voice. Fixes:
  • Add Post author and post date at the beginning of every chapter

New in Version 2.12.0 - Released on February 15, 2024

  • Add a "Clone book" button to easily create books based on previous settings
  • Tested up to 6.5

New in Version 2.11.0 - Released on December 22, 2023

  • Export/Convert all your posts into individual PDF
  • Remove style tags inside the content

New in Version 2.10.0 - Released on November 24, 2023

  • Add basic EPUB support for RTL languages
  • Add option to remove all images in Content Images
  • Fix URL to images loading from relative URLs
  • Fix error with HTML entities on titles

New in Version 2.9.0 - Released on November 6, 2023

  • TOC and internal chapter links are now supported for EPUB formats
  • WordPress 6.4 support
  • Fix error when using < > & characters

New in Version 2.8.1 - Released on August 25, 2023

  • Fix error with stripped text after "Read more"

New in Version 2.8.0 - Released on July 20, 2023

  • Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.3
  • Increased min PHP version to 7.4
  • Replaced with custom template engine instead of illuminate/view

New in Version 2.7.0 - Released on April 12, 2023

  • Added Flipbook as new output format
  • Updated MS Word (Docx) library generation
  • Fixed

New in Version 2.6.1 - Released on March 27, 2023

  • Increased 5 seconds default timeout to 60 seconds when requesting premium endpoints
  • Updated "Tested up to" WordPress version

New in Version 2.6.0 - Released on January 17, 2023

  • Fix error with ordered lists starting number. Closes
  • Fix error "Could not load image" when exporting DOCX
  • Remove inline <script> and <noscript> tags from content
  • Better server error and image not found error handling
  • Tested up to PHP 8.2
  • Update MPL-Publisher Premium ⭐ pricing model

New in Version 2.5.1 - Released on November 4, 2022

  • Fix EPUB validation when the title contains quotes, less-than, greater-than signs
  • Fix filters by year to include all post types (only "post" types were considered)
  • Fix shortcode widget: add book-id parameter and extend documentation

New in Version 2.5.0 - Released on October 21, 2022

  • Add Online Book as a new output format
  • Added an option to include images in the generated file
  • Include images into the book is the default option
  • Removed JSON format and restored Markdown format
  • Automatically fixes IMG tags without alt attribute to avoid validation errors
  • Tested up to WordPress 6.1

New in Version 2.4.1 - Released on September 14, 2022

  • Removed Guzzle HTTP Client and replaced with wp_remote_post

New in Version 2.4.0 - Released on July 20, 2022

  • Post featured image can be included in corresponding ebook chapter
  • Fix: Image alt attribute was removed and caused a validation error
  • Minor readme.txt improvements

New in Version 2.3.2 - Released on May 30, 2022

New in Version 2.3.0 - Released on May 5, 2022

  • Added "Book Subtitle" field and compatible to all output formats
  • Updated tabs disposition and move "ISBN" field to "Meta" tab
  • Tested up to PHP 8.1

New in Version 2.2.0 - Released on April 25, 2022

  • Added content validation before eBook generation. Validating content before generation ensures your eBook will contain no HTML errors and will be compatible with all EPUB checkers.
  • Change README tags, description and content

New in Version 2.1.0 - Released on March 23, 2022

  • Word: Improve TOC generation: link to titles and page number 📓
  • Word: Add book title and Author after cover image ✍️

New in Version 2.0.0 - Released on February 9, 2022

  • New admin page design 💄
  • Removed MOBI from supported formats as it's outdated 📜
  • Improved UX on responsive, filters and tutorial intro 🌟

New in Version 1.34.0 - Released on February 1, 2022

  • Add support for more post types other than post, page and book chapter 🌍
  • Testing compatibility with other knowledge base plugins 🤓
  • Retesting for WordPress 5.9 and PHP 8.0 🧰

New in Version 1.33.0 - Released on January 4, 2022

  • Decrease posts limitation to 50 results to improve performance 🚀
  • Allow Premium users to edit max results per book ⭐
  • Non-premium users can download a free PDF and MP3 sample 🤑
  • MPL-Publisher JSON format is now available for all users ❤️

New in Version 1.32.1 - Released on November 29, 2021

  • Apply "the_content" filter to mimic the content displayed.
  • Fix "Apostrophe in description is repeatedly escaped".
  • Remove banners and ads on the premium version.

New in Version 1.32.0 - Released on November 15, 2021

  • Action to duplicate your posts as chapters and avoid editing original content.
  • Added JSON format to improve cross-compatibility with MPL-Publisher tools.
  • Removed Markdown format as it was mostly unused and unknown.
  • Update Spanish, French, and Catalan translations + plugin readme description.
  • Increase tested up to WordPress 5.9.

New in Version 1.31.0 - Released on October 28, 2021

  • Change UX on chapters list to look similar to MPL v2.
  • Remove get_authors and get_tags queries as they were unused.
  • Audiobook format now allows up to 20k words.

New in Version 1.30.4 - Released on October 16, 2021

  • Update following plugin recommendations.

New in Version 1.30.3 - Released on October 4, 2021

  • Validate, Sanitize and Escape User Data.

New in Version 1.30.2 - Released on October 4, 2021

  • Increase posts results number limitation.
  • Update resources for self-publishers.
  • Fix cleaning options on plugin deactivation.

New in Version 1.30.1 - Released on October 4, 2021

  • Update plugin URLs with brand new MPL-Publisher v2.

New in Version 1.30.0 - Released on September 10, 2021

  • Selected chapters will be kept and ordered on filtered results.
  • Security risks avoided using Transient API to show admin notices.
  • Updated Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Mobi generation library.
  • Fix: Detect premium users on additional resources.

New in Version 1.29.2 - Released on August 24, 2021

  • Fix cover image not being saved appropriately.
  • Added order option (ASC/DESC) on chapters list.

New in Version 1.29.0 - Released on August 2, 2021

  • Added new cover editor (only for MPL-Publisher premium).
  • Fix Word cover alignment and image size.
  • Change tabs literals and modified content (Links are now part of Metadata).
  • Responsive improvements (buttons on XS and text size).

New in Version 1.28.0 - Released on July 27, 2021

  • Added Plain Text (txt) as new output format.
  • Added tutorial/help section explaining main plugin features.
  • Warning message before leaving the page without saving changes.
  • Include TOC at the beginning of the document on Microsoft Word export.
  • Support for WordPress 5.8.

New in Version 1.27.0 - Released on July 2, 2021

  • Fix error related to filter button not filtering results.
  • Downgrade min WordPress version to 5.0.
  • Allow br tags in book content.
  • List chapters even if there are over max results.

New in Version 1.26.0 - Released on June 9, 2021

  • Added 2 new premium themes: Future and Romance ⭐.
  • Enable Gutenberg editor for book chapter post type.

New in Version 1.25.0 - Released on May 15, 2021

  • From now on, you can manage multiple books for the same site.
  • Added action to clear book information and start from scratch.
  • Fix error loading remote placeholder image.
  • Update PHP version requirements.

New in Version 1.24.0 - Released on April 23, 2021

  • Introducing Marketplace: resources and ideas to help you boost your book sales.
  • Add image styles to keep alignment with WordPress editor.
  • Remove custom styles on the "Download my eBook" widget.
  • Fix parsing date error on Word file generation.
  • Fix loading plugin translations and update them.

New in Version 1.23.0 - Released on March 12, 2021

  • Added experimental feature to embed images into book contents.
  • Use rem instead of px on book styles.
  • Fix error on saving premium license key.

New in Version 1.22.0 - Released on March 4, 2021

  • Tested up to WordPress 5.7 and PHP 8.0 (and bug-fixing).
  • Optimize database query when loading chapters.

New in Version 1.21.0 - Released on February 26, 2021

  • Added new book theme! Check it out at our "🎨 Appearance" tab.
  • Premium ⭐ version doesn't require a direct FTP upload anymore.
  • Better usability messages on saving and error ✅.
  • Improvements on our print-ready PDF premium formatting 📘.

New in Version 1.20.2

  • Hotfix changes using emoji library.

New in Version 1.20.1

  • Fix MOBI file generation.
  • Update emojis with open-sourced Tweemojis.

New in Version 1.20.0

  • Updated search filters (filter posts and chapters by month).
  • Added Spanish, French, and Catalan translations.
  • Premium publishers (print-ready PDF and Audiobook) generation improvements.

New in Version 1.19.0 - Released on December 30, 2020

  • Fix EPUB 2.0 and EPUB 3.0 validation errors.
  • Clean HTML tags from content to prevent design errors.
  • Change default content sorting to OLDER chapters first.
  • Premium publishers (print-ready PDF and Audiobook) generation improvements.

New in Version 1.18.0

  • Move menu position outside the "Tools" section.
  • Limit query results to avoid more than 150 results.
  • Minor usability improvements on publishing actions.

New in Version 1.17.1 - Released on December 16, 2020

  • Fix annoying count error. Thanks, lholfve!.

New in Version 1.17.0 - Released on December 16, 2020

  • Added print-ready PDF as output format.

New in Version 1.16.0 - Released on November 20, 2020

  • MPL-Publisher Premium ⭐ it's available!.
  • Added Audiobook (mp3) as output format.
  • Pages can now be attached as book chapters.
  • UX improvements and lots of emojis.

New in Version 1.15.1 - Released on November 17, 2020

  • Fixed error related to PHP min version.

New in Version 1.15.0 - Released on November 2, 2020

  • Update to WordPress 5.5.

New in Version 1.14.0 - Released on November 2, 2020

  • Allow filter posts by year.
  • Allow multiple themes loading and selection.
  • Added hooks for plugin extensions (pending documentation).
  • Fix Markdown generation to include CSS files and fonts.

New in Version 1.13.0 - Released on January 19, 2017

  • Added MOBI as output format (Basic field, not ready for production).
  • Fix Draft Book Posts? issue.
  • Fix the "Read More" issue (Posts where printing only excerpts on the generated eBook).
  • Fix plugin page navbar and table styles.
  • Update plugin dependencies.

New in Version 1.12.0 - Released on August 11, 2015

  • Added Microsoft Word (Docx) as output format.
  • Custom CSS text area under the Appearance tab.

New in Version 1.11.0 - Released on July 29, 2015

  • Add MPL-Download eBook widget to promote your book with your readers.
  • Shortcode to include your MPL-Download eBook using [mpl].
  • Added a "Links" tab to include related pages with your book, like Amazon or iBooks links.
  • Improved tab navigation on responsive mobile.
  • Fix language load_plugin_textdomain path.

New in Version 1.10.0 - Released on July 21, 2015

  • Added Serbian translation. Thanks to Andrijana from Web Hosting Geeks.
  • Added Appearance's tab to preview and choose your book design.
  • New filter with content type selection.
  • Download the book as a zip file with chapters in markdown format.
  • Fix automatic line breaks into HTML paragraphs.

New in Version 1.9.0 - Released on July 8, 2015

  • Added French translation. Thanks to zebulong.
  • You can add specific content as a chapter to your book without needing to be an existing published post.
  • Added Copyright information field about your book.
  • Added default CSS classes to book.css to ensure styles on images once the book is published.
  • Added multiple tooltips to increase information about how the plugin works.
  • Fix CSS mpl-pubisher.css namespace.
  • Fix local timestamp on save information.
  • Fix saved image source.

New in Version 1.8.0 - Released on July 4, 2015

  • Now you can save your changes for future publications.
  • The chapter's list shows also your private posts.
  • Review plugin's description and tags to improve visibility.
  • Fix mobile/responsive button display.

New in Version 1.7.0 - Released on June 25, 2015

  • Improved admin's page navigation using tabs.
  • Add helping blocks to a better understanding.
  • Add book publication's date field and editable language field.
  • Bug printing post's edit link.

New in Version 1.6.0 - Released on June 17, 2015

  • Added authors filtering to chapter's selection.
  • Added tag filtering to chapter's selection.
  • Improve readme.txt description to provide server requirements information.
  • Pending 1.5.0 Spanish and Catalan translations.

New in Version 1.5.0 - Released on June 13, 2015

  • Add Book Description.
  • Sets Blog Language as Book Language.

New in Version 1.4.4 - Released on May 22, 2015

  • Fix the "Class not found" error.

New in Version 1.4.0 - Released on May 22, 2015

  • Chapter's selection is filtered by posts categories.
  • Fix HTTPS image request.

New in Version 1.3.0 - Released on May 19, 2015

  • Added EPUB3.0 as output format.
  • Upload a Book Cover.
  • Added meta-information about the generator.
  • Corrected Spanish and Catalan translations.

New in Version 1.2.0 - Released on May 18, 2015

  • New default book style.
  • Added Spanish and Catalan translation.
  • Replace Twig with illuminate/view as the view engine.
  • Fix duplicate ID chapter.

New in Version 1.1.0 - Released on May 16, 2015

  • Sort individual chapters manually.

New in Version 1.0.0 - Released on May 17, 2014

  • Initial release.
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