Grow your Subscribers List with Chat with Page

You're receiving this email because at some point you have used MPL-Publisher. However, this time, I want to talk to you about the new product I'm releasing, Chat with Page.

You're receiving this email because at some point you have used my WordPress Plugin MPL-Publisher. However, this time, I want to talk to you about the new product I'm releasing, Chat with Page.

What is Chat with Page?

Imagine a user is reading a post and has more questions about it. What is his typical flow? He reads the post, goes back to Google, visits other websites, and fills his knowledge gap.

What happens if the first website is yours? Most users forget about you instantly.

What does Chat with Page do?

By embedding a small script on your site, Chat with Page displays a chat box that lets users interact with your content, ask questions, and receive detailed information on the topic they are interested in.

Grow your Subscribers List with Chat with Page

This way, you don't lose the user, and they have their queries solved thanks to you.

If the user is satisfied with the experience, you can also ask the user to provide their email address if they want more information (or the reward you choose).

Now you've captured a new lead or grown your newsletter with a happy subscriber.

Use Cases and Examples

If you are still not convinced, we've collected a few ideas and demos to get you inspired and see how Chat with Page will transform your site experience.

Grow your Subscribers List with Chat with Page

If you have a website about travel, cooking, fitness, or e-commerce, our demos will fit perfectly for you. If not, they will help you understand how Chat with Page could suit your site.

Now that you've seen the incredible capabilities of our AI assistant across different niches, don't let this opportunity pass you by. Sign up now and elevate your website experience with personalized, interactive assistance.


P.S.* If you are interested in joining our affiliate program, you can do so now, and you will earn 40% for every sale you make.

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