Who will be the main character?
Enter general information about the protagonist child of the story. This information will help us to set the character's environment and fill the story with details.
{{ form.errors.get('name') }}
{{ form.errors.get('age') }}
{{ form.errors.get('gender') }}
{{ form.errors.get('traits') }}
Include a brief description that characterizes the child, such as "curly hair and dark eyes", "smiling and with fair skin", etc.
What will your story be about?
Give us an indication of what you want the story to be about. For example, it could be about the latest vacation and the plane trip, the older brother's birthday, etc.
{{ form.errors.get('genre') }}
{{ form.description.length }}/400
{{ form.errors.get('description') }}
If the story is based on a real event, you can tell us about the places the child visited or the people who accompanied them.
{{ form.errors.get('email') }}
{{ form.errors.get('terms') }}
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